
Max is passionate about health, wellbeing, ageing and longevity and has been for many years now. Having gained his PhD in microbial antibiotics at Nottingham University in 1979, he has spent over forty years leading high calibre teams of scientists developing and researching products, launching them across the world in over a hundred countries.

He was Reckitt Benckiser’s Global R&D Director for many years, but later moved into sports nutrition, where he became alerted to the many nutritional deficiencies that existed in the general population.

He then evaluated actual food intake data(Public Health England data) from all over the world which confirmed his fears, that these nutritional deficiencies can lead to a list of chronic ailments and even chronic disease, later in life.

Max therefore started a business called Prime Fifty, whose objective was to understand the worsening nutritional deficiencies of older adults and develop specially formulated supplements, targeting the most important and most relevant health areas.

The business has since been sold, but Max continues to present on the well known QVC shopping channel, where he shares his health and nutritional knowledge with hundreds of thousands of people. He also presents at various trade and consumer shows where he actively supports the use of supplementation as a necessary addition to the diet, in order to overcome some of these nutrient deficiencies, all in the name of health and wellbeing.

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